![]() 11/11/2013 at 04:00 • Filed to: E30 | ![]() | ![]() |
I am a car enthusiast and I drive a car with an automatic transmission. I do believe that is a true statement. I’ve been reading Jalopnik ever since I got my car and am fed up with all of the “slushbox hate.”
I have Cerebral Palsy. This effects both my arms and legs in such a way that clutching would be very difficult.
I also have a 1989 325iX. This is my first car. It was a gift from my father when I was 19. It was a Christmas surprise. The paint was so faded, the car was pink, there was no exhaust and the brakes were there in theory only. The interior was filthy. Someone had not taken very good care of the car. And yes it was an automatic.
My father, thinking it to be a summer project car, said I couldn’t drive it until we fixed the brakes. Two days later we were wrenching and PB Blasting on the freezing cold concrete of my cousin’s garage/barn. Then a newer head unit was installed ( also done by my father and I), then my Dad worked for an entire day on compounding and waxing the paint. All the while I searched in earnest for a shop that could give the car the care it needed. I finally found solace in Guten Parts and Service in South Orange, New Jersey. Every time the car went in, it was in more than capable hands, and came out very quickly and was always in much better shape than when it had gone in to the shop. It felt like a new car. It was running great and the paint was good and I loved driving it.
I still do.
Since I have Cerebral Palsy, it’s tough for me to get around places and I was at the mercy of who could ever give me a ride before I had my car. My car is the best pair of legs I will ever have. I love driving. The E30’s steering is weighty by today’s standards, but is perfect weight for me to steer with my disability and the gas pedal is perfect for how my right foot works. It makes me feel so free and so in control, the E30 is great for road feedback and feel. So connected to the road. Very maneuverable, plus I can see the end of the hood practically, so I know where the car is. I open the sun roof on warm days and roll down the windows ( saving up for an A/C conversion to R134A) and I listen to that straight six purr. Somehow luckily, I gave autocross a shot and loved it. It’s a race against one’s self and I’m really getting good at throwing the iX around and knowing what it can and can’t do. I also went to Tire Rack’s Street Survival and had so much fun learning new skills there. The lineup of cars in my class were all fairly new, but when my instructor told me to pop the hood ( he had an iX too, that he bought new) all eyes at the event went toward the car and myself. I’ve rarely been more proud. We also attacked the skid pad with vigor. As much power as I could put down, I couldn’t induce oversteer. Tires were screaming and my instructor was laughing as I gave it way too much gas and he would yank the e brake to try and get me to slide. I was getting great at the figure 8 and having a blast. When one of my runs was over, I realized the instructors were cheering for how well the car had done. Apparently, everyone loves the iX. Autocross and Street Survival were crucial in my driving development and saved my skin once so far. I stupidly drove out into the snow to drive the iX and was going below the speed limit when I hit ice after the apex of a curve. I steered into the skid and it went the other way so I steered that way and eventually got it going straight again. It was super scary and I was only doing 25 miles an hour, the guardrail of impending doom seemed to be closing in on me very fast. I am thankful for all the training that I do and will continue to do.
I’ve since moved to Boulder Colorado and am getting involved in the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the BMW CCA. A great group of people. I am always on the lookout for front driveshafts( the splines are worn) and transfer cases. I love driving around the mountains, it’s wonderful.
Taken by a talented friend.
Same friend.
Same extremely talented friend.
The point is, I drive an automatic and am an enthusiast. I know more about my car than most. I’m 22 and love driving. I may drive an automatic but endeavor to drive to erase BMW stereotypes ( I do get stares when I park in a handicapped spot- until they see my license plate or see me getting out of the car). So I guess I mean to say that just because someone drives an automatic, doesn’t mean they enjoy their car any less than someone with a manual transmission.
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Nobody in their right mind would make fun of you for driving an automatic car. The hate for them is overdone on Jalopnik, but you have a real reason not to drive a manual- a disease that most people could never imagine living with. Don't feel bad, you are more of an enthusiast than most people for working through it and anyone that tells you otherwise can go fuck themselves in the ass with their gear lever.
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Thank you. Appreciate the support.
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Dude, love that you're an enthusiast. I have an Uncle with CP and I feel like I've got a relatively meager grasp of the challenges you must face daily. I don't think most people who comment here mean to deride your whip, it's just that there is a huge difference in quality between an old school "slush box" and a proper manual. There are some excellent autos out there however and I'd say yours sounds like it's great. I've always felt that using what works best for YOU is the proper way to go any day. On the plus side the flappy paddle manual/auto boxes both electric and hydraulic seem to be getting better every year, could be an option for you if you want to pick your own gear.
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I've had a great outpouring of support from enthusiasts. No one has ever made fun of me, some people do bring that manuals are more fun. I just wanted to give Opposite Lock and Jalopnik a different viewpoint. Automatics aren't the devil incarnate.
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Reminds me of the Top Gear test of some Ferrari.I think the Scuderia. "Can it change gear faster than I can blink? IT CAN !"
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Thanks for the support ! Flappy Paddles may be a way off ( at least for a newer car) It'd be cool to retrofit them into my E30.
But yeah. Automatic boxes are getting pretty darn good these days.
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Enjoy your car and driving it, after all that is what being an enthusiast is all about. Sure I am not part of the slushbox camp (they never pick the gear I want even when cruising in traffic) but I won't deride someone who has a legitimate reason for loving them. Keep on wrenching and driving after all, that is what keeps most of us sane here on Oppo.
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Thank you !
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Honestly, if you were perfectly able bodied you would probably find that manuals are more enjoyable to drive. However, there are situations where an auto is better than a manual. This is one such instance. Your auto isn't something to be ashamed of, and you have a nice car.
I'm as sick as anybody of the manual transmission o r nothing attitude. There are so many cars that weren't even sold with them. You do not need a clutch pedal to be an enthusiast. You don't even need to be a good driver, as far as I'm concerned all you need is enthusiasm for cars.
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Honestly, for daily commute to work, i prefer automatics.
That's because 1) I'm quite lazy and impractical, 2) All CLS is automatic, and 3) My left foot is 3.5mm longer than my right foot, thanks to a bike accident.
Anyway, i always have a soft spot for the old beemer. Keep it up!
![]() 11/11/2013 at 05:02 |
I can get behind that notion that you just need enthusiasm for cars to be an enthusiast. It's true.
Thanks for the support.
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You're welcome. I have severe (over 50 degree, surgery recommended but not done) scoliosis so I know what if feels like when moving is restricted/painful.
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Thank you !
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Lol! I remember that episode. The Jezza changing his mind has got to be a good sign. He HATED flapper shifters but seems to be coming around. I've been sold since I picked up Gran Turismo 4 with a Logitech steering wheel nearly ten years ago. Yeah, I'm a (cash strapped) nerd.
![]() 11/11/2013 at 05:28 |
Agreed. I've never owned a car without a manual but I definitely prefer an automatic in traffic when I had the opportunity to use one. I've just never prioritized commuting when I purchased a vehicle. That aside the OP obviously has an excellent reason for using an auto.
![]() 11/11/2013 at 08:19 |
Sounds like a nice car. Could you write an Oppo review on it?
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Haters gonna hate, and I've probably been guilty of hating at some point. Heck at some point I think I was hating on automatics and I didn't even have my license yet. If you love driving and you love driving to drive, you are an enthusiast, whether your driving a hybrid Camry or an automatic FRS or a brown diesel Miata wagon.
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Also just add a picture of you and your E30 and your guarantee a FP promotion.
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People here like to make fun of all kinds of things, Prius's, Automatic transmissions, Camry's, brotrucks. But at least one of us owns one or more of the aforementioned.
I personally have an automatic as well and I love my car!
So at the end of the day, here in oppositelock we are accepting of all cars and all people, but at the same time we like to poke fun at all sorts of car-culture. All the way down to posting an alarmingly large number of pictures of people that can't seem to park right.
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I agree with you. Yes, you can be a car enthusiast even though you drive an automatic. Heck, you can be a car enthusiast if you don’t even drive a car. The only requirement to be an enthusiast about something is that you’re very interested about the subject a.k.a. you’re enthusiastic about it!
That being said I will say this… If you had the ability to drive a manual transmission without any difficulty you’d get a manual E30 in a heartbeat because it is soooo much better than the autotragic slush box that the E30 has, especially for activities such as auto-x. I have a PhD from the University of E30 Enthusiasts so you can trust me on that one.
![]() 11/11/2013 at 09:56 |
I need a picture of the car. Now.
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slow golf clap...to standing ovation
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Added. Don't know why I didn't think of that...
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Added. Don't know why I didn't think of that...
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Added. Don't know why I didn't think of that...
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Would love to ! What are the requirements and formats and scales?
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Thank you. Nice E30
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Thank you ! Sorry they are all iPhone shots.
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Thank you !
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Thank you !
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I can join this boat. My scoliosis is not severe, however it affects me daily. My saving grace was the very light hydraulic clutch. Last week I hit a deer, so my car is in the shop. I've been driving an automatic, thankfully so. The heated seats are a wonderful thing to have, really makes me feel a lot better, but I half melt into the seat and don't want to get out.
I do have a good friend who has cerebral palsy, and I can agree with everything, and driving an automatic is 100% okay in my books. It's not only easier for you, but on the flip side, it's recognizing your limits, and by foregoing the row-your-own, it's safer for others around you as well, and I commend you for that. Maybe that's just how I think about it, but it's important to know limits. My friend does drive a manual, and after nearly 10 years doing so, he's quite good (not sure he could keep up on a track, but he can react just the same as I can in regular conditions).
Something that I think not enough people really say is that you should stay stronger. You're stronger for having your mobility and knowing your limits, and not just functioning, but living, and living happily, and well for your conditions. As been said, plenty of people could never imagine being in your shoes, but that's just another reason for you to stay stronger. You're a role model for us all.
(edit: I'm 22 as well)
![]() 11/11/2013 at 13:26 |
Holy shit that car looks great. I had an image of a nice but worn out BMW, but those pictures look fantastic. The main shot especially is pimping.
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Thank you very much. Have had lots of help in getting the car to look as good as it does. I need to repaint the mirrors and trim pieces but I am almost scared of what that would cost.
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Do you really think it has front page potential?
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I know what it feels like to melt into a seat. Bending over, lifting heavy objects and doing anything on my knees for more than a few minutes just hurts a lot. It's not as bad as cp, though.
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Awesome story. I for one have never been one to judge someone by their choice of transmission. There's plenty of amazing cars that are auto-only. And only an utter fool would have anything to say about your situation.
I also drive an old BMW, also had the pleasure of tossing around a friend's 325i project car a few times. Really is nothing like these cars. You have to drive one to understand. So glad to see you're using as intended. Love it.
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Thanks very much. BMWs are pretty damn fun and easy to throw around and have fun. Even at low speeds !
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That's for sure! I can get my E28 sideways pretty much whenever I want. It's awesome.
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I don't know. I've never done one. You could ask people who have done them before though.
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I can appreciate your opinion/situation. I had 3 brothers with Muscular Dystrophy. One was a read Jalop. I used to take him to the drags and watch top fuelers from the base of the tower. (this was the only handicap spot they had back then). Damn, we had fun.
Then I would get a friend, who's dad owned an upscale used car lot, to bring me a Trans Am or Camaro or whatever, and we would go out and hoon the crap out of it.
My brother loved every minute of it as did I. Life is more than manual, diesel, hatchback, etc. It is about the fun you have with what you have.
He died around age 21, but we had many good times before that.
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we got your back, fellow enthusiast!
![]() 11/12/2013 at 00:34 |
You look like you belong in a 1950s era NASCAR race. If you were smoking a cigarette you'd be perfect.
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I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I'm glad you have good memories when you think of him.
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That would just about do it.
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Thank you for the thoughts. I was quite touched by your story. I hope you post more of your adventures in the future.
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Hi Adam,
As a disabled person myself (5 time open heart surgery survivor with mechanical heart components made of carbon fiber, and recently diagnosed early onset Parkinson's Disease) and National Capital Chapter BMW CCA member, I can certainly relate to you both from a disabled and BMW enthusiast standpoint. The first thing I must tell you though is that you don't need to justify to ANYONE why you're a car enthusiast. YOU are the person who determines what you are (no one else)... in this case a car enthusiast, and whether or not one has a disability they can certainly be a car enthusiast whether or not they have an automatic transmission.
That being said, my BMW started off its life as an automatic E46 2000 323i. I enjoyed my car with the choice of transmission even though I had grown up driving manual transmission cars because I was single at the time and didn't know if my future wife would be able to drive a stick and if there was ever a medical emergency with me I'd want my wife to be able to drive my car. This all backfired on me since the woman of my dreams that I wound up marrying happens to know how to drive stick quite well. However, with only 60k on the odometer, my BMW experienced the dreaded "reverse gear failure" that plagued early E46's so instead of replacing my tranny with another automatic that could potentially fail again down the road, I had my mechanic do a manual transmission swap, and I've been loving my car ever since, plus the manual transmission helps my Parkinson's shaky right hand in terms of getting my hand to shop shaking every time I move the shift knob. I wish you all the very best in regards to your health, Adam. When you get some time, feel free to read my magazine features online (google "Navin Kumar BMW"). I've dedicated the rest of my life to inspiring others to live heart healthy lives and do so thru my car which is modified with the same carbon fiber material that is literally keeping me alive. P.S. I used to live in Englewood, CO by the way. :-)
![]() 11/12/2013 at 15:54 |
AWESOME CAR! I love the iX and you have the best one with a sedan in red. Of course you're in Colorado. Have fun with it.
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Hey, I'm with you man.
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Exactly !!
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Will do ! Thanks !
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I certainly will. Thanks for your story as well. I'm very much looking forward to hearing more of the story. Glad the manual is treating you well. I wish you the best as well.
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If anyone has any questions or anything ( advice etc) - feel free to post here or email me.
The response has been overwhelming. Thank you all.
I'd love to review the iX if that's something that you'd like to see.
Thanks again !
![]() 11/12/2013 at 18:40 |
If anyone has any questions or advice feel free to post here or email me.
I’d love to review the iX if that’s something that would be appreciated.
The response has been overwhelming.
Thank you all so much.
Happy Driving !
![]() 11/12/2013 at 18:41 |
If anyone has any questions or advice feel free to post here or email me.
I’d love to review the iX if that’s something that would be appreciated.
The response has been overwhelming.
Thank you all so much.
Happy Driving !
![]() 11/12/2013 at 18:41 |
If anyone has any questions or advice feel free to post here or email me.
I’d love to review the iX if that’s something that would be appreciated.
The response has been overwhelming.
Thank you all so much.
Happy Driving !
![]() 11/13/2013 at 01:00 |
I really enjoyed reading this. I'm on Jalop a lot but rarely comment. Love what you've done with the car and your story about restoring it with your dad. An E30 may be in the cards for me down the road at some point.
Thanks for posting!
![]() 11/13/2013 at 01:14 |
I appreciate it. E30s are great cars. If you get one- you'll never regret it.
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My first car was also an e30 but its a 90' auto vert. i love the thing to death and spend any once of extra time i have on it. i swapped out the auto for a 5speed though. Ive always wanted to get an ix for a track car because no one seems to realize how advanced the ix was for its time. one day, one day...
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I'd read that review
My last car was an automatic Honda Civic. I am a car enthusiast, but I also need something to get me from place to place without breaking the bank.
We all gotta get by man. Although, you have great taste in automatic cars
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you are an enthusiast who enjoys their car. I think you are mistaking car enthusiasts who lament the loss of the manual for a hatred of automatics. Nobody hates automatics.
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I've seen someone else here who had a medical condition where they couldn't drive a manual and get hate.
Trust me. Jalopnik is not the most accepting place lol
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"I have Cerebral Palsy. This effects both my arms and legs in such a way that clutching would be very difficult." This is a valid reason. Great looking ride man!
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Awesome story man! It's awesome.to hear how you've overcome your problems and still find joy in automobiles. Now if only.I enjoyed driving my automatic...
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Awesome story man! It's awesome.to hear how you've overcome your problems and still find joy in automobiles. Now if only.I enjoyed driving my automatic...
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Unfortunately you're right, Jalopnik isn't always accepting. The front page in particular. However, I still think it averages much better than the rest of the internet.
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Awesome, awesome E30 and story. I would love to see a full review of the car if you get the chance.
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I'm a car enthusiast and I wish I had a car with an automatic transmission for my commute. Nowhere near as worthy a reason as yours, but you'll never face any PRNDL hate from me. Good luck and keep up the good fight.
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Auto E30 (also the first ever car that I could fully consider "mine") > lots and lots of manual cars. Well done, good sir.
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Dear IXBoulderAdam,
I find your reasoning to be crass, dumbfounded, and above all else unacceptable.
Just kidding, of course dude! You're more than welcome to drive an automatic and be a "car guy" especially if you're living with CP. I commend you for not letting a neurological limitation from stopping you from pursuing your interests and I think your thirst for life and the finer things (German engineering) is not only refreshing but something we can all take a lesson from.
I'll be 100% honest in saying that I came in here to scoff at another "slushbox defense force" article but I'm glad that I was wrong. The only thing I'd say to you is that while automagics are especially useful for getting handicapped individuals behind the wheel of a car, being lazy isn't a handicap. I would (and have been) perfectly content with letting automagics and manuals coexist, but now that the recent trend is to simply not offer an MTX I get sadder and sadder. I think there is a world for both, but please tell them to stop taking away our MTX's from fun cars!
Oh and here was a counterpoint I wrote months ago, doesn't pertain to you but it does for 98% of slushbox drivers in this world
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I believe everyone here agrees: If you physically cannot drive Stick, Slushbox is ok! If you have fully functioning arms and legs, be grateful that you can drive a stick!
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As a heavy believer in rowing your own gears, this comes with the prerequisite that you have the capability to do so. If you're not capable of rowing the gears for whatever reason (other than laziness or lack of trying), then you should not be shunned or made fun of for getting an auto. Hell, if you were incapable of driving an auto and had to resort to even more extreme driver aids, that still doesn't exclude you from being a Jalop. The only thing that would make someone not a Jalop is a lack of enthusiasm for cars.
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Thank you for posting. I finally have found one valid reason for owning an automatic BMW. Really though an enthusiast is an enthusiast. I'm still going to keep ripping on people who drive autos though because it entertains me and I truly do love the dying art of a well driven manual transmission. Rock on and hoon the wheels off that Bimmer.
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I hate automatics, and I hate driving them. Few things pain me more than seeing a BMW, Corvette or other sportsy car with an auto.
I admit most of it is various stereotypes, like the typical Mustang driver being a college girl who wants a fast car, or high school boy expecting the same. Mustang just fits, regardless of how average it has been for so long.
If just 25% of auto drivers had the passion you do, I would probably have a change of mind on autos in general; but...
You sir are an exception. An Enthusiast who drives an auto. The sin of driving an auto is easily forgivable as long as you have a damn good reason or you have the passion to see your car as more than an accessory or appliance. You do them both!
By the way, I really want an old E30 in stick, yours is just so perfect!
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Good on you. I'm very pleased that you are managing your circumstances and finding a way to enjoy cars.
However, and I will do my best to be tactful:
The reason there is so much hate on slushboxes is because of what they take away from the car, not because of their benefits. Automatic gearboxes were originally designed for tanks, so that soldiers who had lost a leg could be made a tank driver instead. [citation needed, I know] So yes, an autobox has a very significant advantage in that respect.
Manual gearboxes, on the other hand, excel in that they allow for a direct connection to your car, they don't sap power like the slushbox, and they are more engaging to drive. It would be very difficult for you to use one, and as such, you are dealing with it by having fun with an inferior gearbox, and that's great. That doesn't mean, however, that autoboxes are as good as manuals for -and this is the part where I get flamed- people without 'special circumstances'. Because they just aren't. Sorry. Manuals are more fun.
Right, go ahead, have at me. I've said what I needed to say.
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nice hat
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Awesome read! Thanks for sharing.
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Goddammit, I got something in my eye. Bastard.
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So am I. Auto in the Forester, stick in the WRX.
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Im sure you are aware but reading this makes me think of my latest car which is also an automatic ( huge boo.... traded in bullitt mustang due to having a child ). Its a 2012 Maxima and I made sure it had the paddle shifters, even though its a CVT so technically it doesnt shift but it feels like it does. You would love something with paddles .. has the advantage of an auto with the shifting ability.
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Awesome story! I look forward to hearing more from you!
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My only question for you is if you physically could drive a manual, would you? I personally do not see why people have to drive manual to be a car enthusiast, but I think for car enthusiasts it is something you love doing when you are driving.
I ride Mountain bikes, and a few years ago I saw some guys riding (downhill) these crazy wheelchair/bikes with four MTB tires, one at each corner, full suspension and a steering wheel. I was blown away by how awesome it was that someone who was unable to use the lower half of their body was still able to get out and enjoy a sport they may have done in the past, or one that primarily requires the use of legs.
My wife used to work for a Quadriplegic who had limited use of one hand and part of one arm. He had money, and loved fast cars, so he had a modified automatic RX-8 that he could drive all with hand controls. I would say he like you is a Automotive Enthusiast.
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Personally i've always been of the opinion that if you love your car and love driving it, you're an enthusiast no matter what it is. I dont care if it's a goddamn prius. If you have enthusiasm for it, and love the way it drives, more power to you.
Personally, I love the manual transmission. I also love Japanese curry. But if you dont like it and prefer spaghetti, it doesn't mean that only one of us is a foodie.
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Even as an able-bodied person, I also prefer automatics over manuals (albiet, I haven't driven one). The manual advocates who say you aren't an enthusiast without driving manual are wrong. An enthusiast is someone who take a high interest in a particular activity or subject, a car enthusiast is just someone who loves cars and who loves to drive them however they want, whether it be on the street, canyons, or the track.
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I can't express how uplifting of a story this was. I'm glad to have you as a fellow enthusiast. I have a family member with Cerebral Palsy I can't wait to share your story with.
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Great car. Great shots. Great piece!
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Good for you, your bimmer, and your auto! I, too, would like to erase BMW stereotypes:
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Would you still drive an auto if you didn't have cerebral palsy? not that I would give a fuck of what someone thinks of me or my choices on the internet, I'm a car guy, but do to practicality reasons I currently own a pick up with an auto tranny (no one else in my house drives stick and they wouldn't be able to drive it if they needed to). But I'd much rather have a manual and I will again some day.
Cool car, BTW.
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That is a fine looking car. Love the helmet, although I would re-stripe it with BMW colors. HAHA. Nothing wrong with a slushbox trans - I recently bought an E46 330i with an auto, because my girl doesn't drive stick. It may be LESS of a blast to drive than the manual counterpart, but it's still a blast to drive. Have fun!
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Well said sir, and I don't think any real enthusiast would question a man's decisions based on his abilities in your situation.
Not to make this about me, but just to share irrational prejudices.....
I was actually told just recently by a commenter on Jalopnik that I was not an enthusiast because I drove (daily drive, I might add) a sports car with an automatic (and a good automatic, at that), and that I have no credibility as an enthusiast because I couldn't see what advantages a manual has over an automatic in every day driving (which I never actually brought up). Yet when pressed about what those advantages actually were, the commentator summarily ignored it. I so hope he sees your post here. Ignorance knows no bounds, sometimes. It's people like that who only hate automatics from some overly-inflated machismo nonsense. It's people like that who let something so trivial as your transmission define you. THOSE people are NOT enthusiasts, so never let their opinions phase you. Rock on, my man.
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Never was too "into" E30s but for some reason looking at yours makes me want to find one
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I also prefer automatics over manuals (albiet, I haven't driven one)
I agree with the rest, but drive one before you declare your preference.
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I have a question, what's it like being a badass 24/7? Your E30 looks fantastic, man! And great write up!
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Be honest. You would be happier if it had an automated manual/DCT/DSG/PDK/SMG. We hate on the auto because it is the lesser of the transmissions. Its a shame when a great car is ruined for the next enthusiast because the idiot that bought it new couldn't be bothered to use 3 pedals. Many people have "needs" for automatics, you have a legitimate need, and shouldn't feel downtrodden about the hate for automatics.
That being said, drive an automated manual as mentioned above, and you will see what we are yammering on about. I would hit up the bimmerforums regional forum for your area and see if there is anyone with an e46 m3 smg who would be willing to let you take it for a spin, or a gti owner with a dsg.
All that being said, kuddos to you for doing what you love, and driving an e30 through the face of adversity.
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When I saw the title, I said to myself "The only reason this guy is making that statement is either because he doesn't know how to drive a stick, or doesn't know how to drive it well". Turns out I was right. Turn out you have good reason. If some future technological advance was to allow him to learn and drive a manual properly, I think he would enjoy it.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 15:29 |
oh definitely, if I prefer manuals after that, I'll eat my words. My cousin's manual 3 door Golf felt smooth, but she knows how to drive. I've also ridden in a Echo manual with a coworker...she "couldn't" drive, scarred me for life.
![]() 11/13/2013 at 15:31 |
That picture is just beautiful.
That's what cars enthusiasts are all about. Loving what they love.
Like Beettle guys have to deal whith the lack of power, lack of confort andnoise, Cadillac guys have to deal with their enormousness, wobbly suspension and sometimes underpowered landyatchs.
The thing is: They love it. They love their cars and that's what matters.
Your story is awesome, your car is awesome and your father is awesome.
You succeed in life, dude.
About transmissions:
I always use the DSG transmission when someone says that automatics are garbage.
Yeah, some of them are garbage, but nowadays you can get some really fun automatics. Automatics are the future. F1 cars are automatic and they look pretty fast.
I like my manual gearbox, but I can see myself using those supafast automatics coming out these years.
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I have no idea what you're going through, man. CP is just beyond my comprehension as an impediment to daily life, and I have so much respect for you for really diving into your passion with cars regardless. Bravo, sir.
And let me just say, you are 100% right. You don't need to drive a manual to be a car enthusiast, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that if you have passion for cars, then it doesn't matter if you drive an S2000 (with probably the best manual transmission ever produced), an old VW, a Corvair with a 2-speed slushbox, a "stanced" Impala, or even (god help us) a crossover. You are one of us; don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
That said, there are completely independent and valid points to be made in defense of the manual as a form of self-expression, and I think the enthusiast community is rightly defensive of MTs—especially as they are (apparently) not long for this world (and this is sure to please people like Travis , which...if that's your thing, fine—more manual-equipped models for me). But, too often, our communal annoyance—at people who treat cars like appliances instead of objects of love—tends to get conflated with annoyance at anyone who drives an automatic. This is wrong.
As a car-lover, if anyone gives you shit for owning an auto? Well, I'll let Jerry Holkins say it, for he says it best:
This is uniformly horrible. My policy, succinctly stated, has been Fuck You, Fuck That Guy Over There, And Then Fuck Every Other Person when it comes to people and their incredible opinions. A young man at my high school once detailed his unique position the configuration of my hair, and I told him I would kill him, and did not leave the methodology to his imagination. I’m not saying it was the best hair ever, but seriously. Go fuck yourself.
Also, I'm from Boulder, and I have friends who race and autocross. I'm sure you'll find it to be a welcoming community. Good luck to you!
![]() 11/13/2013 at 15:32 |
I'm with you. I love a good car, autobox or archiac 3-pedal.